
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Customer Service

There are a lot of services offered by retailers to customers,it is seen as a way to differentiate themselves from other retailers.Depending on the the type of retailer,services offered may be different.Common services offered by retailers such as NUM includes acceptance of credit card,deep selection,,display of merchandise,dressing rooms and personal assistance in selecting merchandise.


For New Urban Male,they adopted the Standardized Approach for their customer service Strategies,the downside of this strategy is that it doesnt exceed customer's expectations,however it does meet their basic expectations. The good side to this strategy is that it has a lower cost compare to the personalized approach and at the same time it is more consistent.The whole idea of this strategy is to come up with a basic set of rules and procedures which employees need to follow and carry out.


Often employees are not too sure about this term,managers need to set it clear to employees and demonstrate what do they mean by good customer service. From the moment a customer enters the store to the process of browsing for clothes in the store to trying out the apparels.examples would be,a service staff helping the customer to remove the apparel from the hangings and usher the customer towards the fitting room and hang for them the clothes that the customer wants to try in the fitting room..

When retailers set a standard for their employees the goals towards good customer service is more obvious and employees have a clear and better understanding and what is expected from them.
clear standards are,smile to customers,greet customers,make eye contact when talking to customer,thank them for visiting the store and also after making purchase.

Services goals should be related to customer based criteria,means the goals should benefit the customers ,in other words,its to make their stay in the outlet pleasant.

To gauge customer service level of retailers,it should be measured by customers survey,managers can maybe encourage employees to kindly ask customer for feedbacks regarding the service they received.This is good to keep track of their progress. A good method to measure customer service is through mystery shopper program. Because you dont know when will the mystery shopper will come,u have to be consistent with your service level in order to achieve high marks. Plus theres rewards usually offered by the company for great service level which will encourage employees to be on their toes for every single shift.

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